2023 Q4 EXCITED Oct-Dec

Surreal 2023, 2024 etc in the life of that band, MOSES


Apr-Jun Q2 GREW



It's just happened again. Nottingham and Manchester in July, Camden in September and now, on  Wednesday 6th December in Haggerston, another fellow MOSES fan asking in person about them coming back. There's a virtual street team on line, also. Proof of beloved music that people care about.

This year has had only positive feedback - so far - from people unaware that they existed. I'm very aware that music's beauty is in the ear of the individual beholder so this is a next level bonus. Here's wishing it makes #TheChoirCrew happy as they are an integral thead of this tale of songs to be sung with, danced to. 

MOSES soundtrack our moments.

Of the previously released albums, W has 'River Thames' as her phone's ring tone. A has the intro to 'Murderer' as hers. I have the chorus of 'Move On'. We're not the only fans to do that. More than one other follower has had their songs played at weddings. Anthems is an over used word but an under stated description.

"soon-to-be stadium star band MOSES and their lament on the rock n roll dream ‘Waiter’." Dizzy Spell included the band in the first #ZeenageDaydreams Spotify playlist, November 2023.
Great choice of the album on top!

The new MOSES tunes are their best work to date. In my humble opinion. An expanse of a rock band to impact the now and the next if the initial reactions to the live teasings are anything to go by. We can only see what 2024 brings and try to have the most fun doing so after all the work, stress, delusional hope, crushing disapointments, set backs and small wins behind the scenes.

2024 is not a comeback as the band have never been on hiatus, just not been on tour or in public for most of the year since the American shows.

It's not been an easy ride spinning the plates to still exist, let alone to power the next level. Yet, as the plans fall into place, knowing what they've got up their sleeves, and how hard we must work - then yes, I'm ready and excited.

This is not a drill. Feel free to get a thrill.