We Are #thatbandMOSES

Absolute kudos and thank you so much to the 12,000+ people who are adding MOSES songs to their playlists.

It's keeping a healthy monthly listenership at the band's Spotify page, which has remained above the 30,000 a month level since they started the DIY seasonal music and image release thing in Autumn 2018. 


Obviously a lot has happened in the world - that band MOSES, included - since then and yet, here we are, Summer 2022 about to step into the next chapter.

Reality has bitten hard and not being able to tour at the start of this year has a real blow but they still believe in music, their music, and WILL get to play from this Autumn, Winter and through 2023.#

It's the people who are all part of MOSES that have helped get them to 2022. It can be pre-saving a download/stream link, buying a gig ticket, leaving a comment on their social media posts and just caring, in general.

Without anybody to listen or care, they're just singing to themselves. The weekend kicked off with brand new single 'MAD (about my dreams)' and it's going down a treat with britpop-dancers. As one review put it, MOSES: "Parting the sea of generic punk bands". Click the link above and decide. Then, bring on album No.2!

Friday 17th - 'I Still Believe! Do You?' 

The second MOSES album - available to download and stream.


Wednesday 22nd - London show at the Water Rats Theatre 

With special guests The Great Leslie (the two bands met at Croydon's #SNCFest in Summer 2021 and have stayed in touch, since) and Kill, The Icon, the up coming anti-fash punx making a rapid name for themselves. Power drumming triple - come early, friends - a very good time guaranteed.

From that theatrical stage mid-summer to what happens next is a universe thing. From Autumn 2022 onwards to the next shows, releases, vinyl LP, next year, tours and friends old and new - everybody is a cast member in the next season of #thatbandMOSES