A Surreal Year in the life of that band, MOSES.
January to March 2023:
Q1 ROCKED https://mamabearmusicmgt.blogspot.com/2023/04/2023Q1.html
April to June 2023
Q2 GREW https://mamabearmusicmgt.blogspot.com/2023/07/2023Q2.html
July to September 2023
Victor (while recording the album 'I Still Believe! Do You?' released mid-summer 2022)
Summer to Autumn has not been dull but it has been frustrating. Excitement tempered with the impatience as the new songs are mixed.
One of the weirdest but most beautiful things, though, is meeting with fellow MOSES fans. If anything they are the biggest story. How is a band who are known by word of mouth still being streamed and missed? It's like skint fame but bless them, they've earned it.
On July 1st I was in Nottingham at an event that a fellow promoter had organised with Lottery Winners, The Clause and more. Such a fun day out because thanks to their kind hospitality all I did was turn up and enjoy bands all day. At one point a lovely couple came up to me through recognition and they asked when MOSES were coming back. Sadly not until 2024 I said. They won't know how touched I was because when things aren't happening for a while (releases, gigs, videos, etc.) it feels lonely.
That band are worth the wait, though.
A couple of weeks later I was in Manchester, programming a live music stage. Another fan/follower asked if MOSES would be appearing. Sadly not but again, it was a light in my heart. The band get awesome messages from fans around the world but what I'm saying sounds a bit far fetched.
In September I was in Camden for BIG SPECIAL's first headline gig. It was abuzz with fans/industry. A man came up to me and said he recognised me from going to the MOSES show at Bedford Esquires (just before they started recording these new songs). He was still buzzing from a year ago.
I went out to meet Matthew and Victor recently and I just had to pass on the kind queries. Now let's hope that they love what comes next. So far so good. I know of a fan in the Midlands who has 'River Thames' has as a phone ring tone, another who has 'Murderer' (her boss asked about the song and has it too, now!) and I have the chorus to 'Move On' as mine.
Oh, and yet another milestone for #thatbandMOSES being heard and shared - the incredible 'Who Needs The Money' has passed half a million streams at MOSES | Spotify.
Illustration by Ana Bănică |
MOSES are an alternative rock band creating songs and performances to last a lifetime, home grown national treasure style. I've got the second album on as i type this - under rated awesomeness.
They've done it again with future recordings. For such artists, I think it's worth the wait and the persistance for attention. I still believe...
Onwards, then... Caffy