2023. MOSES. On.

MOSES rounded off 2022 headlining the Bad Apple Club launch at Shoreditch's Old Blue Last (where the parents of music world guru, Gavin Monaghan, first met). The band have just recorded at his Magic Garden Studio, their third album recording session with him in Wolverhampton. This is a relationship with nothing but positive feedback from anybody who will listen, so far, including a handful of 2022 LP accolades.

It's a circle of life to begin 2023 with, alongside the ongoing encouragement of the band's streaming (the latest song to hit a landmark is 'You Need L' which has just passed 200,000 plays). Fans in the story of That Band MOSES, are the best! 

This is despite last year being mainly about writing, demoing and recording instead of getting to play a minimum handful of gigs every month to keep growing. Sometimes it feels like there's always something. A dramatic story.

MOSES are an extended community of musicians who quite a few people strongly wish to get recognition as I found out with my first meetings with music world friends, this week. This kinda belief keeps them (and myself!) going.

For instance, 2023 starts with some extra physical followers. As mentioned in previous posts, their first show in Bedford was a lively trip to Esquires for top promoter, Milky in September. At The Old Blue Last, supporters had made the trip from Bedford to the East End of London to catch them live again in December. Every giggle helps.

January 2023: A lovely message on the socials from Breed Media (who made the awesome vinyls of the latest LP):

Happy New Year!

We are now fully back open and looking forward to working with all of our lovely regulars and discovering lots of new music, much like this wonderful album we manufactured from MOSES - 
Can't wait to see what this year brings!

Pandemica ongoing, 2022 was a hard year to manufacture physical recordings for independent musicians. After a "sorry, no can do" from various production companies. Michael of the band, Bait, kindly helped out with a recommendation of Ben Ward at Breed Media. Much appreciation to both (and to anybody who already owns a copy of 'I Still Believe! Do You? via https://moses6.bandcamp.com/