'Mirror Magic' MOSES

Primed for 2022 with their next single 'Mirror Magic' (17 November)
MOSES ended 2021's live appearances around the UK with new followers and a finale weekend of surreal proportions in London.

The debut Ghost Road Fest in Archway then being filmed for Romania Rocks at the Cultural Institute in Central London.

Pic: Otta, Victor, James, Matt above the Archway Tavern.
Saturday 6th November, Ghost Road Fest

Brilliantly done Lori (Weekend Recovery), the team / bands / crowd / photographers etc.

#GhostRoadFest is a female/LGBT instigated and fronted, safe-place day out of rock n roll n representation with young, future music industry, crew. Everybody was so welcoming and the audience were appreciative for every set.

The event actually felt very festive. I noticed that the stage was set against a wall of mirror, making twice as many artists playing, by magic! I guess the next single, 'Mirror Magic' was on my mind. It was also music to my ears to hear that MOSES were a "discovery of the year". Well spotted. They deserve to be. 

It additionally warmed my heart to see, hear and feel people reacting to them. Big grins on the faces of friends who are already into the band.

There were friendly familiar faces there. I got to enjoy a variety show of sets and re-acquainted with a long time no see. 

The event was being filmed so there's more from this day to surface in the near future.MOSES pulled out all the stops to entertain and engage. As ever. "A truly great band in the making" reported FutureProof.

Sunday 7th November. Romanian Cultural Institute.

The week long Romanian and British literature festival, Romania Rocks, took place in this beautiful building.

I went with friends to the Rock Concert evening and we felt a bit "Bridgerton" to be in Belgravia (about five mins behind Buckingham Palace).

Many thanks to all the kind hosts for the free tickets to their Unplugged Rock Concert by a perfect band for any OCCASION.

Although it was seated, it didn't stay that way either on or off stage. It really felt special. Victor admited how nervous he was, and introduced the other band members, three or four times in excitement.

The band/songs were on best form, startling tunes stripped down, greeted heroically. At times, it felt a bit like a scene from a movie where a band start to get recognised for what they could be. To me, anyway. Actually, not just myself, the feedback was awed.

Some new songs a first airing including the latest single, 'Alone' ... and yes, there was more Mirror Magic as the room was lined with some of the most beautiful and ornate mirrors.

An encore hadn't been rehearsed, but there were shouts for 'Waiter' and we got ian end of evening moment that just needed lighters in the air! There's more to come as the show was being filmed.

Much appreciation to the multi media mates who mingled with the cultural hosts, ambassador and creative crew that evening.
Pictured at the after show reception: Photographer, Cristian Calistru 
who also illustrated the event poster (below).

In this pic, I can see Victor,and multi media creator and presenter talents, Louise Schofield and Rhiannon Nevada, in the background.

Thank you RCI for the beautiful evening, the wine and again, for the very warm welcome.  A night of creative fun and artistic unity. The band were greeted by a round of applause as they came down the staircase and their surprised faces were a genuine picture. They've earned it.

All set for what happens next. 

Before we all went a little insane as dystopia darkened, first - 'Almost Everything Is Bullshit' - sounds like ambition on a grand scale. The band have turned up the escapism and fuelled the madness into the second album, recording in Wolverhampton (small car safaris) and rehearsing to stay tight and prolific.

Due for Spring 2022 around some already announced gigs, the new (and if anything, even more ambitious) LP, again excites. Early reactions to 'Mirror Magic' are encouraging.
Much appreciation